
Making the News, and the Events, and the Brand


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From the White House to the Golden Gate: Making Cybersecurity Insurance Real


Like a lot of Echo-Factory relationships, this one started with a Google search. (Shout out to our SEO team.)

Vishaal “V8” Hariprasad—USAF veteran, former NSA employee, founder CEO of Resilience—was set to appear at the White House for a cybersecurity summit in August 2021. It was a big opportunity for the innovative cybersecurity insurance provider’s CEO to leverage for awareness. So, Resilience’s VP of marketing, Lisa Hill, got Googling and enlisted marketing agency Echo-Factory—manufacturers of attention—to get the word out.


Moving at the speed of digital, we said “yes” and immediately went to work publicizing Vishaal’s attendance at the White House summit. These efforts delivered immediate pickups and quotes by top-flight publications—including CNN and the Wall Street Journal—the same day as the conference. Soon after that initial success, we followed up by getting V8 in more major publications like the Washington Post in September, and Forbes in November of 2021. But this story had legs, so we were able to stretch coverage into 2022 with publicity on NPR in January and Politico in February. What began with an appearance at the White House had turned into months of positive publicity thanks to our efforts.
Resilience logo + WSJ, NPR and CNN


The totals for this public relations work?

An impressive 106 pieces of coverage, an estimated 2.04 million online views, and 4.48k shares of the articles via social media. Oh, and support for $80 million, which Resilience was able to secure in Round C funding in November of 2021 following their appearance at the White House and in the press.

Resilience Billboard


And just like a lot of Echo-Factory relationships, our client was happy to continue theirs with us and expand the scope of work.

And just like a lot of our other clients, that work entailed crafting compelling, simple-to-understand messaging for a sophisticated product. In this case, that meant streamlining Resilience’s unique selling proposition for several target audiences. To do so, we worked closely with our client to craft headlines and copy that explained Resilience in clear, direct language for our busy, straight-to-the-point brokers, buyers, and executives. With this messaging in place, we were able to create online videos that explained Resilience further, and even helped concept and create a cybersecurity podcast for the brand.


With this refined messaging ready, we began helping Resilience plan for upcoming trade shows and industry events while continuing the public relations campaign.

A journey that began back at the White House in 2021 now made its way to sunny Santa Monica in October of that same year for the NetDiligence Cyber Summit as we continued to establish Resilience’s presence and credibility in the market. And although Resilience was in Los Angeles for the Cyber Summit, Santa Monica served as a warm-up for the “Oscars” of the cybersecurity world—the Risk and Insurance Management Society (RIMS) conference in San Francisco in April of 2022.

Resilience tradeshow booth


Happening in Silicon Valley and the tech world’s home turf, RIMS presented a center-stage for Resilience to cement its status as a cybersecurity leader.

With major players from the cybersecurity and cyber insurance world all in one place—including customers, brokers, and end-users—we created a series of executions to keep Resilience top of mind. From stepping off the plane at SFO to driving into the city along the 101, and of course at the actual event at the Moscone Conference Center, Resilience’s message across multiple OOH placements was unmissable to cybersecurity’s leading figures.

Resilience advertising
Resilience advertising in the airport


Continuing to build out the world of the brand, we took over a cafe near the convention center and branded it top to bottom, from Resilience blue umbrellas to rolling out the Resilience blue carpet as guests walked in. Along with branded high-tech giveaways at the cafe, we also created a unique Resilience-themed menu, complete with cybersecurity conference-themed food and drinks.

And while coffee and sandwiches are always delicious, they can’t compare to a well-crafted cocktail—or the fun of a well-curated cocktail party, especially when it’s being held among the well-celebrated works at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. What began with billboards and then a cafe reached new levels of sophistication as we took over the SFMOMA with elegant light projections and other upscale touches to bring the Resilience brand to life. Over the course of the four-day event, our OOH media, publicity, giveaways, and events positioned Resilience as an unmissable major player with the impact to match.

Resilience advertising image
Resilience advertising outdoor space


From coast to coast and from the real world to the digital world and back again, a journey that began at the White House finished, for now, across the country in San Francisco as Echo-Factory helped create publicity, attention, and a reputation for Resilience.

Working with Echo-Factory is like having an army of talent behind you waiting to wow you with results. Every time we have brainstormed an idea or concept, whether video production or podcast creation, they have a savvy team of the right experts ready to get to work.

Lisa Hill, VP of Marketing at Resilience

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