Helping a Global Team Understand It’s a Part of Something Bigger

June 2023

Ready to talk shop?

Co-Pilots for the Long-Haul

CPM is a global company made up of over 16 individual brands. Historically, those brands have operated largely independently. But the company’s leadership had a new vision: capitalize on the connections, integrations and opportunities between each individual brand to drive growth throughout the company.

To help realize that vision, they turned to Echo-Factory. We helped them launch an integrated OneCPM campaign.

This is the story of one critical, and surprisingly effective piece of that campaign.”

Working with Echo-Factory, we’ve crafted a story that has reached, resonated, and impacted some critical audiences that we previously were disconnected from.

– Randi McMahon, Global Director, Marketing, CPM

When it comes to advertising and marketing, we mean business.