Want A Custom Voodoo Doll?  Here’s Your Chance.

Ready to talk shop?

Echo-Factory's Voodoo Doll
Echo-Factory will be donating 2 customized versions of our award winning voodoo doll to the 2010 Charity Auction at the Lake Arrowhead Country Club.

The auction’s November 6th.  You attend and bid in person, watch a live stream and bid online or watch live coverage on Charter Cable.  Either way, it’ll be your chance to bid on one of two customized voodoo dolls from Echo-Factory. 

The auction supports charitable organizations in the mountain communities.  Since some of us live up there, and the rest of us think it’s an awfully nice place to visit, we couldn’t pass up the chance to be a part of the auction. 

Your can learn more about the auction at its website, or from the Mountain Sunrise Rotary that’s putting the event on. 


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