A New Project,  A New Cause

Ready to talk shop?

Some of our friends in the energy efficient lighting industry banded together to create a nonprofit – PEERS. The organization is working to get direct ARRA Stimulus funds (aka, your tax dollars) towards energy efficient retrofit projects. Basically, they think that making American businesses more energy efficient would be a good use of our stimulus dollars. We agree, and so it’s fortuitous that they asked us to create the organization’s name, logo, tagline and website.

The site just went live last week. Beyond the normal nifty things that an organization’s website should do, we built this one with an interactive contact system which will allow PEERS supporters to easily contact their state and local officials, as well as local newspaper editors. The intent is to make grassroots support for the initiative a dead-easy process, something we think will help PEERS gain momentum quickly. If you’re interested in something similar for your nonprofit, let us know. And if you think that helping American businesses to use less energy would be a good use of your stimulus dollars, let your representatives know.

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